In a strong move to counter terror activities in restive Jammu and Kashmir, the Narendra Modi government has okayed the deployment of elite National Security Guards in the state.


According to ‘The Hindustan Times’, Home Secretary Rajiv Guaba has issued a written direction to the security agencies for the deployment of the Black Cat commandos in Kashmir.

Apart from anti-terror ops in Kashmir, the NSG will also train the J&K Police. 

The move comes a year after the Mehbooba Mufti government specifically telling the Centre that it doesn’t need the NSG in the state.

It was after spree of attacks on the BSF and CRPF campuses that the Centre had offered the Black Cat commandos in the state.

"We offered them all sorts of cooperation including sending NSG. But the state government said no, saying they can deal with it on their own," a senior government official in the security establishment had said.

NSG specialises in anti-terror operations specifically those where a hostage situation is possible. 

The last time NSG led an operation was during the Pathankot terror attack in 2016 when terrorists had entered an Air Force station. 

It took them over two days to sanitise the air base, the force was also part of the operations during the Mumbai 26\11 attack.