SP chief Mulayam Singh Yadav on Friday gave full marks to his party's 100-day old government in Uttar Pradesh, saying the "loot in previous regime" has stopped and the law and order is fully under control."I will give 100 out of 100 marks to the SP government in the state. The loot in previous regime has stopped and besides fulfiling promises in party manifesto, the government has full control over law and order", Yadav told reporters here on completion of SP government's 100 days in office.On 2014 Lok Sabha polls and the third front, Yadav said while preparations for the general elections are on, a decision on an alternative front would be taken at an appropriate time.He also reiterated his party's support to Pranab Mukherjee as the presidential nominee.He said the party's national executive meet, which was scheduled to be held in Kolkata on July 11-12, has been cancelled and the revised dates would be announced after the Presidential polls.