Independent lawmaker Amar Singh has dared Samajwadi Party general secretary and former minister Azam Khan to slaughter him when he visits Rampur on August 30."I am reaching Rampur (hometown of Azam Khan) on August 30 by 12 noon. Let Azam Khan murder me if he has guts," dared Singh, talking to media persons in Lucknow.Singh also released the tape in which he claimed that Azam Khan had stated that people like Amar Singh should be slaughtered and acid should be thrown on their daughters. "Let him (Azam Khan) murder me, but nothing should happen to my school-going daughters. I am scared after Azam Khan's threat. They might harm my family members," he charged.Calling Azam Khan Mulayam Singh Yadav's foster son, the independent Rajya Sabha member said he will lodge a complaint to Governor Ram Naik on Azam Khan's threat to his life, wife and daughters. "He is having close relations with mafia dons like Dawood Ibrahim and he may get me and my family eliminated," said Singh.After Singh's outbursts, senior Samajwadi Party leader Azam Khan denied the charge saying that he had never threatened Singh or his family members. "I had only called him a political opportunist who shifts loyalty," Khan stated.But Singh showed the video clip saying that Khan was lying on issuing a threat to him and his family. "He is a liar. Khan will go to jail if I revealed what ordeal Jayaprada had faced in Rampur at his behest," said Singh."They call me an opportunist. I have not sent my wife to Rajya Sabha or brought any family member into politics. Look at Khan, his wife is a Rajya Sabha member, his son a Samajwadi Party MLA and he himself is life-long Vice-Chancellor of Jauhar University. Entire Yadav clan is into politics and they call me an opportunist?" quipped Singh.Singh demanded a thorough probe into fund-raising and financial bungling in Jauhar University in Rampur. "I believe a lot of funds from Gulf countries was used I construction of the university. Land of poor Dalits and Wakf board were also grabbed. I demand a probe into its affairs," he said.