The National Commission for Scheduled Caste (NCSC) has issued an arrest warrant against Madhya Pradesh chief secretary Avni Vaish after he allegedly failed to turn up before it following summons in connection with complaints of filling SC posts with general category."We issued arrest warrant against Vaish yesterday in connection with some complaints lodged with us 10 months ago alleging that general category people have been promoted to fill up the posts reserved for Scheduled Caste (SC) persons unconstitutionally," NCSC member Mahendra Boddh told PTI.


According to the warrant Vaish will have to appear before the Commission tomorrow.

He has failed to appear before the Commission, on three counts, to put forth the state's view regarding the order of 2006 whereby post reserved for SC had been filled with the promotion of general category people in MP."We called him to be present before the Commission on May 11, May 17 and May 24 and when he failed we issued the arrest warrant," Boddh said."We came down to Bhopal on May 15 but then also, Vaish did not meet us in connection with the complaints and order of 2006," he said. "The copies of arrest warrant have been sent to Madhya Pradesh director general of police and Bhopal SP. Now it is their   responsibility to ensure that Vaish comes to the Commission tomorrow," Boddh said."We (Commission) have constitutional power under article 338 sub clause 8 to issue arrest warrant after our notices and  summons don't work," Boddh whose three-year term is coming to an end on May 28, said.Under this, we have the power of a civil court, he added.