Bihar chief minister Nitish Kumar is apparently looking to Bollywood to take on his arch rival Lalu Prasad in the coming state assembly polls as he presented today a parody of the song in Slumdog Millionaire that fetched AR Rahman his Oscar."Jai ho, jai ho, kayakalap ji jai ho, Railway ka chay ho, Bihar men bhay ho, maha atankraj maharaj kayakalp ji, jai ho," Kumar sang here at a press meet where a senior RJD leader Madan Sahni joined ruling JD(U)."The person who shattered the growth of railways is now going to the people with false claim that it was he made it achieve a turnaround," he remarked adding ''We salute Mr Turnaround (Kayakalp ji--Lalu Ji) for his claim,''After unleashing a reign of terror for 15 years in Bihar, Prasad shattered the growth of railways for the next five years, he said adding the RJD chief is now talking of setting things right in the state."People of the state are not going to vote for Lalu Prasad and his party even by mistake," Kumar claimed.Raising the question how Prasad could occupy a front seat in the Lok Sabha though his party had only four MPs, he said "I have been asking this question for the past fortnight, but unfortunately I am unable to get an answer."Prasad's silence on the question proved beyond doubt that he has a poll pact with the Congress and the people were aware of it, he said.