How many people died in the country due to the lack of oxygen during the second wave of COVID-19? If data from the state governments is to be believed, there were no deaths. The governments have claimed that nobody died due to a shortage of oxygen. 


Lav Agarwal, Joint Secretary, Union Health Ministry on Tuesday said that the state governments were asked whether there had been any death due to the lack of oxygen in them. In response to this question, among the states that have sent their answers to the central government, only one state, Punjab, has admitted that there has been a suspicious death due to lack of oxygen.

Agarwal said that no other state government has accepted that any coronavirus patient died due to lack of oxygen. This means that they are claiming that there was no shortage of oxygen. It may be recalled that in April-May, the second wave of coronavirus was at its peak. During that time, there was a severe shortage of beds and oxygen in hospitals due to which, many patients lost their lives. The opposition leaders had created a lot of uproar on this issue then, but now the central government is surprised by the silence on this issue in its report.

Further, Agarwal said that the active cases of coronavirus in the country have now come down to less than 4 lakhs. At present, there are 3,88,508 active cases in the country while the recovery rate has increased to 97.45 percent. In the last 24 hours, 28,204 new cases were registered in the country.

He added that the cases are increasing in 37 districts of the country. Of these, the maximum of 11 districts are of Kerala. In the last week, 51.51% of cases have been reported from Kerala. Aggarwal said that everyone needs to understand that the arrival of the second wave of coronavirus is not a big issue but its spread is. That's why everyone has to continue taking precautions and not get complacent in social distancing.

NITI Aayog member Dr VK Paul said that the booster dose has been discussed in negvac and a decision on this will be taken soon. He said that at present, the Delta variant has emerged as the most dangerous in the world. Its attack rate is high and a person infected with this variant can make many people sick simultaneously.