The Uttar Pradesh Police detained three persons for questioning a day after a woman factory worker was raped and found murdered in Sector 63 area of Noida.


Meanwhile, the 21-year-old woman was today cremated amid allegations from his family members that the police had earlier refused to file complaint, and later delayed handing over the body to them.

Her last rites were performed at Hindon cremation ground.

The woman employee of a garment factory at Sector 65 went missing on Friday night while she was returning to her home in Sector 63 area of Noida.

Her semi-nude body, bearing injury marks, was found yesterday morning from Pushta area in Sector 63 area.

The woman, who was the eldest daughter, had stayed late on the fateful day to earn extra bucks for her family members.

Noida Police have detained three suspects and are interrogating them to nab those who committed the heinous crime, police said.

Her parents suspect involvement of local youths.

They said that four years ago a youth, who was following her for long, had tried to forcibly enter the house and meet the girl.

On residents' intervention matter was sorted out and warning was given to the youth.

Though they had given complaint to the police no action was taken, the family claimed.

Police have now detained the accused youth too for the questioning.

Through woman's colleagues, CCTV footage of the company and other nearby factories, police were trying to identify the culprits.

Meanwhile, NCW chairperson Mamta Sharma said,"Whatever promise the police is making they have to stand by that. Those officers who were there on duty then should be suspended, we have sent a request on this. They also should be punished."

"The police is there to secure common man, especially women. According to me the on-duty officer must be suspended, on ground of humanity he should have enquired into the whereabouts the girl. They should start acting as soon as report is filed, if it was not that way, the girl would not have been dead."

At Greater Noida, Mahila Shakti Sammajik Sammittee representatives today held protest rally at Authority crossing demanding arrest of the killers.

"Women now have got scared and even strolling outside the house was not safe as anti-social elements roam around in the interior of blocks too. By the time police come they ran away," a representative of the organisation said.

Noida Entrepreneur Association too has planned to hold protest rally in the evening from Noida Stadium.

"Law and order situation has deteriorated and women are not safe in the city. At Sector 63, 64 and 65 factory and institutions alone over 50,000 workers are employed. Of these 40 per cent are females. Incident has scared them," said Vipin Malhan, president of NEA.