Omar Abdullah’s pet project for return and rehabilitation of Kashmiri militants stranded in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (PoK) has been challenged in the Supreme Court on the grounds that these “militants, who have been indoctrinated on al-Qaeda pattern are dangerous to the security, unity, integrity and sovereignty of the nation”.


The apex court has admitted the petition of the National Panthers Party (NPP), which has three MLAs in the 89 member J&K legislative assembly, challenging the Omar government’s cabinet order to facilitate the return of the militants from Pakistan.

The petitioner has prayed for an order restraining the Union of India and the government of J&K and its officials not to allow any militant or ex-militant from PoK or Pakistan to enter J&K who had voluntarily migrated illegal from J&K and defected to PoK or Pakistan in the past.

The petitioner has sought to initiate contempt proceeding against home minister and chief minister of J&K for the issuance such an order which violates the stay order ordered by this court.

Noted advocate and chairman of NPP Bhim Singh appearing for the petitioner urged the court for urgent hearing as this act on the part of the Union home ministry and the National Conference led government in J&K “shall threaten the security of the nation”.

“The return and rehabilitation of the Pakistan-trained militants who have been indoctrinated on al-Qaeda pattern is dangerous to the security, unity, integrity and sovereignty of the entire nation”, the petitioner said.

Bhim Singh, according to his statement, submitted that the Supreme Court of India had issued stay on the operation of the Resettlement Act, 1981 which had a similar provision ensuring return of the Kashmiri Migrants who had voluntarily migrated to Pakistan in 1947.

“The J&K government in its colourable exercise has tried to achieve the same objectives by ensuring return of those militants who had migrated to Pakistan 21 years back voluntarily and since had undergone armed trained, could be even associated with al-Qaeda”, he said.

The petitioner said the government has cleared the return of about 100 trained terrorists in Pakistan and rehabilitate them back in J&K.