Our election promise?                  
Love Parks!

Democracies the world over have room for all sorts of political agendas – how about a political party for porn stars, a party for alcoholics, lazy or even sex crazed people?

Jeeti Jitayi Politics, India
Shabnam 'mausi' Bano was one charismatic eunuch who became the first transgender Indian to be elected a member of the Madhya Pradesh state Legislative Assembly and served from 1998 to 2003. Mausi's influence inspired other hijras (transgenders) in the state to establish their own political party called ‘Jeeti Jitayi Politics’ (JJP). Strange as it may sound, the name of the party literally means a political that has already won the elections. This was like a strategy to differentiate the hijra party from mainstream  parties.

Union of Conscientiously Work-Shy Elements, Denmark 
This one was a frivolous but unusually successful political party in Denmark. Founded in 1979 by a comedian, Jacob Haugaard, the party made some really interesting promises during the 1994 elections - eight hours of spare time, eight hours of rest, eight hours of sleep, more bread for ducks in parks, the right to impotency, better weather and better Christmas presents for all citizens.

Partito dell'Amore (Love Party), Italy
This one-of-its-kind party was co-founded in Italy by sizzling hot pornstars Moana Pozzi and Ilona Staller (Cicciolina) in 1991. The agenda of this party was quite tempting for all sex addicts. They stood for decriminalisation of drugs and absolute sexual freedom. They even wanted to open 'love parks' in the country where people could let themselves free for all kinds of sexual activities. The political program included legalisation of brothels and better sex education.

Rapaille Partij, Amsterdam 
This was a political party founded in the Amsterdam in the 1920s. Its promises included free alcoholic beverages for citizens in Amsterdam, abolition of compulsory voting and free fishing and hunting in the Vondelpark. The party actually won two seats on the city council of Amsterdam in 1921 but the elected representatives rarely attended meetings, perhaps due to excessive drinking. This caused the party to lose popularity and it soon dissolved.

Compiled by Ankit Ajmera