Former Indian cricket captain Mansur Ali Khan Pataudi who died here Thursday, had two distinguished cousins in Pakistan --  diplomat Shaharyar Khan, who went on to become the chairman of the Pakistan Cricket Board, and Major General Isfandiyar Ali Pataudi, who a few months ago was a front-runner to take over as spy agency ISI's chief. Sharyar, who served as a diplomat and ultimately Pakistan's foreign secretary 1957-1994, was the son of the elder sister of Mansur Ali Khan's mother. Isfandiyar Ali Pataudi was the son of Major General Mohammad Ali Pataudi, the younger brother of Mansur Ali Khan's father Iftikhar Ali Khan Pataudi.   At the time of partition in 1947, Major General Mohammad Ali Pataudi opted for the Pakistani army, while his elder brother decided to pursue a cricketing career in India. Former Pakistan captain Imran Khan's cousin Javed Burki, who also captained Pakistan, was a contemporary of Mansur Ali Khan Pataudi at Oxford.