Uttar Pradesh raced ahead of Andhra Pradesh to clinch the first position in providing roofs to residents of the state under Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana (PMAY).


It is worth noting that Andhra held the number one spot last year in building houses under the PMAY.

The excellent work by State Urban Development Agency (SUDA) in UP facilitated the creation of 12,44,675 beneficiary led housing (BLH) and 13,41,550 affordable housing in partnership (AHP) houses in the state.

The decision to give the number one spot to UP was taken at a meeting held in New Delhi on Friday.

Under BLC, households with land, or a house, can claim a subsidy of Rs 1.5 lakh for construction or an extension. This initiative is effectively driven by the beneficiaries.

While under the AFP projects are undertaken by a public-private partnership (PPPs), and 35 percent of houses are to be reserved for the economically weaker sections under the PMAY.