President Pratibha Patil and prime minister Manmohan Singh today greeted the nation on the eve of Guru Nanak Jayanti.
In her message, president Patil said, "On the auspicious occasion of the birthday of Guru Nanak Dev, I extend my greetings and good wishes to all my fellow citizens."
Stating that Guru Nanak's message of universal harmony, unity and human concord is ever relevant and eternal, Patil said, "Let us on this day resolve to follow the path laid down by him and work to strengthen the bonds of unity and mutual goodwill among people."
The prime minister, in his message, hailed the teachings of Guru Nanak of peace and unity saying they are relevant in today's world.
"A society without discrimination and distinction - the vision of Guru Nanak -- is the vision towards which we should strive," Singh said.