Over Rs30 crore worth of business has been affected in this major textile town in Tamil Nadu due to the "unrest" in Andhra Pradesh for the past 12 days and non operation of lorries to that state, RS Natarasa Mudaliar, president, Erode Handloom Cloth Merchants Association said today.
He said textile producers and traders usually receive minimum of Rs50 crore worth orders from Andhra Pradesh, mainly from Kurnool, Kadappa, Tirupathi, Chitoor, Pakala and Telengana area, including Hyderabad, during Magara Sankaranthi season in middle of January.
But this year they had received only Rs15 crore order in November and just Rs5 crore worth of goods were delivered.
He said textile traders from Andhra Pradesh usually visit Erode Textile shandy and purchase goods worth Rs1 crore a week, but had not done so for the past three weeks.
Lorry transport owners were also unwilling to allow drivers ply to that state, he said.