A day after the Lokayukta slammed Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit for "misrepresenting" facts about low cost houses, a Delhi Minister, who had earned the wrath of the anti-graft ombudsman, on Tuesday attacked the watchdog, saying it should not interfere in governance related issues."The Lokayukta's mandate is to look into issues relating to corruption and not to intervene on governance related matters," PWD Minister Raj Kumar Chauhan, whose removal was recommended by the Lokayukta earlier this year, said.Lokayukta Justice Manmohan Sarin on Monday slammed Dikshit for "misrepresenting" facts by announcing in the run up to 2008 assembly polls that 60,000 low-cost flats were ready for handing, knowing well that the same were not.Critical of Lokayukta's functioning, Chauhan said the anti-corruption watchdog should not take up issues which are not in his domain.The Lokayukta had recommended to President Pratibha Patil to "administer a caution" to the Chief Minister to be careful in her messages in future.In February, the Lokayukta had recommended to the President to "withdraw her pleasure" for Chauhan to continue in office, alleging he tried to protect a leading resort from a tax evasion case.The President rejected the recommendation last month.