BJP on Thursday alleged that Congress general secretary Rahul Gandhi's statement on the loot of Bundelkhand package was nothing more than politics on the helplessness of the people of Uttar Pradesh's most backward region."If Rahul knew this then he must tell people that what steps Congress-led UPA government took to check this loot and why BSP government was allowed to plunder the package amount for four-and-a-half years," BJP spokesman Vijay Bahadur Pathak told reporters.Rahul has repeatedly alleged that package given for development of Bundelkhand was looted in Uttar Pradesh, he said."Why did Rahul remember this at the election time? In reality, whatever loot was done by the BSP government it was done under the patronage of Congress-led government at the Centre," Pathak alleged.He said people would not get attracted by the speeches of the Congress general secretary as they has seen the real face of the party and its leader."This was the reason for Rahul's rallies in Bundelkhand turning out to be a flop show. People are aware of the ugly politics being done in the name of package," he claimed.The BSP government also failed to spend fund given for the development of Bundelkhand, he said."Whatever fund was spend, major amount was plundered. Congress and BSP are indulging into politics of allegation and counter allegation," the spokesman alleged.He said this is evident from the fact that only Rs 214.21 crore of the package had been spent."Why only Rs1,695.76 crore was allocated as Central assistance to UP when a package of Rs7,266 crore along with an additional grant of Rs200 crore was announced for Bundelkhand?" Pathak questioned.