BJP leader Harnath Singh Yadav said that Adhir Ranjan Chowdhary should apologise to President Droupadi Murmu by touching her feet for the ‘Rashtrapatni’ remark. After a ruckus in Parliament over the ‘Rashtrapatni’ remark by Congress MP Chowdhary, President Murmu received a written apologies from a Congress leader on Friday.


"The surprising thing is that despite Congress President Sonia Gandhi being a woman, she is protecting Chowdhury rather than take action over the way the statement was made. Sonia Gandhi should apologise to the whole country and Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury should apologise by touching the feet of President Murmu," Harnath Singh Yadav.

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The Congress leader apologised for using the phrase incorrectly to describe the position in a letter to newly-elected President Droupadi Murmu. "I assure you it was a slip of tongue. I apologise and request you to accept the same," Chowdhury wrote in the letter.

Thursday in Parliament, BJP members, including FM Nirmala Sitharaman, raged against Chowdhury over the statement and requested that the Congress party provide an apology. Leaders of the BJP have claimed that the comment was not a ‘slip of tongue’ and have criticised Sonia Gandhi for not taking action against the MP.

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"Adhir Ranjan’s statement is a derogatory remark against women. No other abuse can be worse than this. People around the country are criticising him for this act and making different comments about him, which I do not even want to make public," Yadav added.

Union Law Minister Kiren Rijiju said, "If you watch the clip, Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury clearly (referred to President Murmu as) Rashtrapatni twice, then he called her Rashtrapati. Such matters should not be taken lightly".

(With inputs from ANI)