Former external affairs minister Jaswant Singh on his recent trip to Pakistan had called for peace while insisting that it was time for the ‘Berlin Wall’ between two neighbours be demolished, however, all his praise for Pakistan and love for the country’s people has apparently vanished under RAW’s pressure, a noted Pakistani defence and political analyst has said.Referring to Singh’s latest article entitled: “The Taliban Reborn”, SM Hali said that it seems that upon his return to India, RAW had brainwashed the former minister in anti-Pakistan diatribe, which is evident from his article in which he questions Islamabad’s sincerity in combating terrorism."“The truth of the matter is that Jaswant has willingly or unwillingly played into the hands of RAW, which is forwarding its own heinous aims of destabi-lising Pakistan,” The Nation quoted Hali, as saying.“Jaswant Singh allowed himself to be used as a pawn in this ghoulish plot is not surprising, after all he is a product of Chanakyan stratagem, which entails the employment of any or all subterfuge to defeat the enemy,” he added.In his article Singh stresses that the question is not whether the war against terrorism can be wound down, but whether Pakistan is doing all that it can to fight it. He also provided a simple formula for assessing a country’s approach to combat terrorism, which is “credibility + transparency + integrity of approach = legitimacy and effectiveness.”