Amid the debate over revocation of AFSPA, National Conference Rajya Sabha member Ghulam Nabi Ratanpuri today alleged there were "rogue elements" present in the army who want to operate outside the law."Army has done a good job (in Jammu and Kashmir) but there are rogue elements everywhere and army is not an exception," Ratanpuri told reporters on the sidelines of a function at Pampore, 20 km from Srinagar.He said there were cases of Army officers being involved in "terrorist activities"."Not all armymen are angels. We have seen some Army personnel involved in big crimes," Ratanpuri said.Defending Chief Minister Omar Abdullah's statement on revocation of AFSPA from some parts of Jammu and Kashmir , he said the announcement was made after due deliberations and there was no need for the Act in the state."It is unfortunate that some people are doing politics in the name of Kashmir. For last three years all committees appointed by the Centre have recommended revocation of AFSPA. If Omar has said something, he has said so after proper deliberation," Ratanpuri said."I personally believe this (AFSPA) should not be there for another second...there are other parts of the country where there is Maoist violence and even (Union) Home Minister has said Naxals pose a greater danger to country, but there is no AFSPA there," he said.