Even as the BJP plans nationwide demonstrations over "misuse of the CBI by the UPA government" on May 12, Rubabuddin Sheikh, brother of slain gangster Sohrabuddin Sheikh, issued legal notices to three top BJP leaders in the state on Saturday.  The saffron party started crying foul at CBI action after the arrest of deputy commissioner of police Abhay Chudasama in the fake encounter case. Rubabuddin, who had earlier prayed to the Supreme Court for justice in the killing of his elder brother Sohrabuddin in a fake encounter, has asked the BJP leaders why he should not initiate contempt of court proceedings against them for issuing statement against the CBI which has been asked by the apex court to probe the case. Rubabuddin's counsels Rajesh Mankad and Amrish Patel said, "We have issued notices to three BJP leaders - state unit president RC Faldu, national vice president Purshottam Rupala and Rajya Sabha member Vijay Rupani. The three leaders had organised a media briefing on May 2 and issued statements against the CBI and its investigation which is subject to contempt of court."The BJP leaders had told the media on May 2 that the CBI was acting at the behest of the Congress-led UPA government to spoil the image of the Gujarat government. "The CBI is trying to demoralise the state police by arresting police officers amid Swarnim Gujarat celebrations,'' they had said.  The three leaders had also threatened to start state-wide agitation over the CBI's action. A couple of days ago, a delegation led by BJP leader LK Advani also met President Pratibha Patil and submitted a memorandum against the CBI. Says Rubabuddin's notice: "Such statements issued during the media briefing are subject to contempt, insult, disregard and interference in the process of law. The statements are not only interfering in the administration of justice by disregarding the apex court judgment, but are also politically motivated to mislead the public."The notice further states, "The statements are issued with some special intentions to stop investigation against certain persons. The statement that the CBI has initiated action amid celebration of the Swarnim Gujarat is also improper as the apex court has directed the CBI to conclude investigation within six months. "