Taking a dig at Kiran Bedi over allegations that she charged her hosts full fare on air tickets while availing discount, Law Minister Salman Khurshid today said unlike Team Anna he cannot pass "ex-parte" judgments on people."I don't find myself equipped or able to pronounce a judgment on anybody as quickly as I feel judgment is pronounced on many of us by the movement (led by Anna Hazare) in which Kiran Bedi has a very significant role...I don't find myself in a position to pass ex parte judgments," he  told reporters here.Khurshid said perhaps Bedi herself will come up with a "satisfactory explanation" while noting that no one should be condemned without being heard. Ministers in UPA government have often claimed that Team Anna had been making various allegations against them in public fora without first seeking an explanation on them.Allegations have been levelled against Bedi, a key member of Team Anna, that she used her gallantry medal to get 75 per cent discount on Air India tickets and then submitted inflated invoices to claim full fare from the organisers who invited her to functions.