Communal tensions escalated in the Madhuban area of Rajasthan's Udaipur on Friday after a Class 10 student was stabbed by a fellow student at a government-run school, officials said. The accused student was then detained by the police. Section 144 has been imposed in the city by Arvind Poswal, District Collector of Udaipur to maintain law and order here.


After the incident, members of several Hindu right wing outfits gathered in the Madhuban area and set fire to three cars parked in a garage and got engaged in stone pelting.

Arvind Poswal, District Collector Udaipur says, "This incident took place in the early hours today. We received info about a fight between two children, in which one child was attacked on his thighs with a knife."

"Additional policemen have been deployed in the area to maintain law and order. The accused has been detained," Superintendent of Police Yogesh Goyal said.

Force deployed in the city after a clash broke out between two children, earlier today

(with inputs from ANI)