Security has been stepped up across Uttar Pradesh ahead of the 18th anniversary of Babri mosque demolition in Ayodhya on December 6."All the police chiefs and district administration officials have been asked to ensure strict vigil," a senior home department official said.In the state, 13 districts, including Faizabad, Lucknow, Varanasi, Aligarh, Bareilly, Gorakhpur have been identified as sensitive and police, PAC and Rapid Action Force (RAF) would be deployed there in large number for ensuring security and communal harmony.Security at all the railway stations have been tightened and necessary directives have been issued for the same, ADG Railways AK Jain said.In Lucknow, the Government Railway Police (GRP) and Railway Protection Force (RPF) have beefed up security of the Charbagh railway station here.The strength of personnel escorting on board has also been increased from 60-70 to 100, GRP's Superintendent of Police (SP) G K Goswami said, adding that about 400 policemen, including 200 GRP personnel, 100 PAC and 100 RPF personnel had been deployed to thwart any untoward incident."A special reaction team has also been constituted to keep a vigil on the station premises, including Lucknow Junction station. Security personnel have been directed to corner those falling under suspicion," he said.He said from December 5, a regular bomb detection and disposal squad apart from a dog squad will be deployed to carry out search operations at the busy railway station.From security point of view, some areas of the station have been declared 'sensitive zones', Goswami said, adding that that a mock drill would be conducted tomorrow to review security preparedness.As many as 49 CCTVs were also installed at the station, he added.