Unruffled by the BJP campaign against Congress on corruption, Sonia Gandhi today lashed out at the party for adopting double standards and not taking action against its own leaders facing graft charges.


"BJP will have to be answerable and accountable to people and tell what action it has taken against its own leaders facing charges of corruption," the AICC President said.

Addressing an election rally at the historic Ridge Ground here, she said, "Congress is the only party which has taken strict legal action against corrupt leaders but the BJP is only talking about corruption and not taking any action against its own leaders".

Sonia claimed credit for bringing the Right to Information (RTI) Act, which has proved an effective tool against corruption.

"The BJP is not against corruption but against Congress and using it as a tool against the party," she said.

Suggesting that BJP's record on checking corruption was not bright, she alleged that the opposition party stopped the passage of the Lokpal Bill in the Rajya Sabha, despite the fact that the legislation was an important tool in the fight against graft.

Gandhi also utilised the occasion to propagate the cause of FDI in retail, asserting that the move would help the hill state known for its horticulture products, specially apples.

"It is especially beneficial for farmers in Himachal as shortage of cold storages would be over and produce of farmers will not rot," she said.

Accusing the BJP of playing politics on FDI, she said that the chief ministers were free to implement or not allow FDI in retail but the BJP was unnecessarily making an issue out of it.