Justice BN Srikrishna committee on the Telangana issue today said its report will show the "way forward" on approaching the contentious demand for a separate statehood issue in Andhra Pradesh.The five-member committee, which went into demands for forming a separate Telangana state and keeping Andhra Pradesh united, today submitted its report to home minister P Chidambaram."We have given the way forward," the panel's member-secretary Vinod K Duggal told reporters after the meeting.The panel has submitted a two-volume report on the statehood issue in which it has given several options with their pros and cons to approach the statehood issue, that has virtually divided major political parties on regional lines.Refusing to divulge the contents of the report, the committee's chairperson Justice Srikrishna said Chidambaram has assured them that he will convene a meeting of all political parties from Andhra Pradesh to discuss the contents of the report."You pose all your questions to the government now," he said when asked about the suggestions the committee has given in its report.The committee was constituted on February 3 and visited Andhra Pradesh 28 times during the past 11 months. It also heard all political parties in the state and received over 1.25 lakh representations from different stakeholders.The committee had on Tuesday said its report will seek to evoke "maximum satisfaction to largest number of people".