The Security Experts have said that the summers are not going to be easy in Jammu and Kashmir as more terror attacks may take place.


Talking to ANI in New Delhi, Defence Expert Rahul Jalali said ?In the winters, Pakistan has managed to infiltrate lots of terrorists and this time the summer is not going to be easy. There are more than 150 terrorists in Pakistan who are waiting to be launched in India.?

He said that the army will have to very alert because Kupwara had always been on the target of terrorists as it is very near to the Line of Control (LOC).

Terrorists have targeted Kupwara time and time again,? said Jalali.

He apprehended that the attacks may be increased because of the ?terror recruitment which is taking place locally?.

He termed the Kupwara attack a repeat of what had happened in Uri, Nagrota and right from Pathankot.

?The pattern is similar and luckily the casualties have not been higher in comparison with other attacks,? he said.

Echoing similar sentiments, another Defence Expert Anil Gupta said that the summers will be more difficult for the security forces in Jammu and Kashmir.

?One thing is definite that there will be infiltrations from Pakistan in the summers,? he said.

He, however, maintained that there was some sort of security lapse in Kupwara.

Another Defence Expert, PK Sehgal was of the view that India should declare Pakistan a terrorist state.

?If Pakistan continues to think India is a banana republic than we are capable of bringing Pakistan to its knees also,? said Sehgal.

Maintaining that India?s strategies should be very clear for Pakistan, Sehgal demanded that ?it is high time that parliament of India should declare Pakistan a terrorist state?.

Three army jawans lost their lives in an encounter with the terrorists who attacked an army camp in Chowkibal?s Panzgam area in Kupwara district of Kashmir on Thursday.

At the time of filing this report, the encounter was going on and two militants have been reportedly killed.

(This article has not been edited by DNA's editorial team and is auto-generated from an agency feed.)