Congress general secretary Digvijay Singh said on Sunday Team Anna should have faith in the Indian constitution as the Lokpal Bill was being deliberated on by a parliamentary standing committee.He was reacting to Team Anna member Arvind Kejriwal threatening to launch a campaign against the Congress unless the Lokpal Bill is passed in Parliament's winter session beginning mid-November.“Arvind Kejriwal should believe in the Indian constitution and democratic system of the country as standing committee of  parliament is discussing the proposed Lokpal Bill,” said Singh on the sidelines of a programme in Kolkata. Kejriwal had on Saturday accused the government of launching a smear campaign against its members and trying to create a rift and warned that Team Anna would launch a campaign against the ruling Congress unless the bill for an ombudsman was passed.“He should know that a standing committee of


arliament is discussing the bill.  Whatever they (Team Anna) say is not correct. They should respect parliament,” said Singh.