Under all-round attack over allegations of financial misconduct and demands for its disbanding, Team Anna today decided to formulate a Constitution for its anti-corruption movement and revamp the core committee after that.The decision was taken at a meeting in Ralegan Siddhi chaired by Anna Hazare and attended by prominent team members Arvind Kejriwal, Prashant Bhushan and Kiran Bedi, a day after the core committee meeting in Ghaziabad in Uttar Pradesh decided against disbanding the present team and going for a revamp.Hazare, in a written communication which was read out by Kejriwal at a press conference, said he did not find it right the clamour for disbanding the core committee."Team Anna is very strong and no one can break it. There were talks about disbanding the core committee. I don't think it is right. If we flee the ground due to some allegations, then it will erode the credibility of the movement and it is not good for the movement. Don't bother about allegations."The core committee members will unitedly face the challenges and fight back. Our fight will be on till Jan Lokpal Bill is passed. In future, a Constitution will be framed for the movement... After framing the Constitution, the core committee will be revamped," Hazare said.The Constitution will have provisions on who can be the members of the core committee and working committee of the team and their character. Whoever, Hazare said, indulges in wrongdoing will be dealt with according to the Constitution.Emphasising that his movement was not against any party, Hazare claimed that the Hisar bypolls results had frightened the Congress though he does not view the winner as one who is against corruption.


Hazare, who is on a vow of silence since October 16, said in the communication that the campaign in Hisar was just to show how people will react in the coming elections if the government does not pass the Jan Lokpal Bill.He said he will undertake a 'yatra' across the country along with his team members if the legislation is not passed in the coming Winter Session of Parliament.Alleging that some people in government and Congress were trying to tarnish the image of his team and insult the movement, Hazare said, "Some people are trying to break our team by indulging in mudslinging. But this will not stop the movement."Hazare emphasised that there were no differences in the team which was as united as it was earlier and will remain so in future.With Kejriwal facing allegations about diverting donations to his trust, Hazare said some people were trying to mislead people and from beginning Kejriwal-headed Public Cause Research Foundation (PCRF) was working as movement's secretariat.He said on November one, the accounts of the movement will be put on web site.Against the backdrop of controversy over Bhushan's advocacy of plebiscite in Kashmir, the Gandhian said there were many people in the Committee who believe in various ideologies."Members have their social and political view and many of them were working on several issues. They may have different opinions on issues. But the views of an individual member cannot be seen as Team Anna's views," he said.When asked whether Swami Agnivesh, who was ousted from the team, could return in the revamp, Kejriwal interpreted Hazare's gesture as "will think about it later".

Kejriwal said all the issues have been resolved and all of them are united.Asked on RSS support to the movement, Kejriwal and Bhushan said they never asked for RSS support."We have never allowed anyone from the RSS to share the dais but if some RSS members came to the Ramlila ground or any other dharna to support the movement, what is wrong in it," he said.Kejriwal refused to comment on Congress leader Digvijay Singh's allegations against Hazare and his team.Asked why they were not campaigning against BSP in Uttar Pradesh, he said Team Anna does not have "any hatred for Congress or any special love for (BSP chief) Mayawati and their main issue is to get the Jan Lokpal bill passed".