Bharatiya Janata Party West Bengal state President Dilip Ghosh talks about the present and future prospects of the party in the state in a freewheeling interview with Arshad Ali.


Your party is doing well after you took over as the state President. What do you think was lacking?

I was made the General Secretary of the state BJP on January 29, 2015. We had started enrolling BJP members through a missed call from the previous November. At that time, the number of BJP members stood at 1.25 lakh. Today the figure stands at 42 lakh in Bengal. When I took over as the state President, the confidence level among the party workers was very low. I led from the front trying to create a conducive environment for them, which is now reaping dividends.

What do you aim for the panchayat election next year?

We will give agents at all the 48,000 booths across the state. Many are still joining us and we will have a strong organisation in the next four months. This time, our target is to have 100 per cent presence. We will win one or two Panchayat Pradhan in every zilla parishad. That will be the quarter final. Similarly, 2019 Lok Sabha election will be the semi final where we aim to win 50 per cent of the parliamentary seats, and then we will fight the final in 2021 assembly elections.

What does the recent success at Dakshin Kanthi mean to you?

It is the result of our hard work. We were very weak at East Midnapore district. We had received only 8 per cent votes in the last Assembly election. The increased number of votes indicate the rise of BJP in Bengal.

While you accuse Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee of appeasing the Muslims, don't you think saffron brigade is only appealing to Hindus? Even you had talked about Ramzaade and Haraamzade.

If we are differentiating the nationalists from the anti-nationalists, are we doing something wrong? About the Ramzaade and Haraamzade, I meant those who don't follow the ideologies of Ram. There are many Muslims here who believe Ram is their predecessor. He is not a political or religious leader. He was an ideal king and his policies for the welfare of his subjects can and should be replicated.

You kicked a lot of controversy because of your armed rallies during Ram Navami...

The allegations and false cases are part of the prevailing politics to stop us. When there is an uprising among the common people, those in power get afraid. The easiest way to curb the uprising is by using police and administration, which they have done. This is nothing new. We are ready to face all atrocities.

There has been a clear divide within your party. What is your opinion about it?

I dont see any divide in the party, but there can always be a difference in opinion within the party. People of different tastes and culture come to a party, but they get unified while working for a same goal. Many were initially a bit skeptic, but now that the party is doing well, they have come forward too.

Your reactions regarding the recent development in the Narada probes...

It was expected. We had fought for it and had moved court. We were the ones to play the tapes at our office. Mamata Banerjee, at one point when BJP leaders were accused of accepting bribe, used to say the camera doesn't lie. After the Narada sting operation when her leaders are accused, she said camera can lie. Judgement is here and will be served.

You had said that after UP elections Narada probe would be stepped up on and it has been done. Doesn't it imply that the Centre is controlling the agency?

Had there been any influence, they would have tightened the noose a lot earlier. Law is taking its own course.

What has been the instruction from Centre as far as the strategies in Bengal is concerned?

We need to bring momentum to the party and make the presence of BJP felt here. Many top leaders of different parties are already expressing their interest in joining our party.

Your former party member has challenged your educational qualification...

There were some people in the party who used to serve their own ends. Their interest has been hampered after I have taken over. There will always be resistance within and outside the party. We will have to deal with these.