Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Edappadi K Palaniswami on Tuesday issued a statement assuring the healthcare workers that the government would support them in the fight against the pandemic which has turned out to be a challenge for humanity. This comes after two incidents in Chennai city alone, where the last rites of doctors who died fighting COVID-19 were disrupted and prevented by agitated commoners. 


About a week ago, an orthopaedic surgeon who hailed from the neighbouring state of Andhra Pradesh had died in Chennai due to COVID-19. When the authorities decided to cremate his mortal remains at a government crematorium, they faced stiff opposition from the local public. The opposition from the public is said to have been caused over unfounded allegations that the cremation could lead to the spread of the virus. It was after the intervention of several higher authorities that the doctor’s mortal remains were cremated. 

A similar incident took place during the late hours of Sunday, when an ambulance carrying the mortal remains of a senior doctor was attacked, forcing the injured passengers to flee from cemeteries in two localities. The burial was performed amid police protection only in the wee hours of Monday.

The government appealed to the public to cooperate and consider All those working towards saving lives as equal to God.

Health workers, medical professionals, police and civic authorities leave behind their families and risk their personal safety to prevent the spread of the virus, the state government said in an appeal.

“Our government considers every life important and is taking decisions and announcing welfare measures in this regard. The efforts of front-line workers are being lauded across the country,” the chief minister said. 

Palaniswami stated that the recent incidents had caused him deep pain and anguish, despite the clear guidelines that the government had issued for cremating or burying the dead. 

“I would like to emphasize that the State government will take suitable action to prevent such incidents. Doctors and frontline workers need not fear. The government stands in solidarity with you,” he said.

While the Chennai City Police has arrested over 21 individuals for the violence that occurred on Sunday night, the City Police Commissioner has also stated that those who oppose and obstruct the cremation of corona casualties would be dealt with strictly. Chennai City Police handle tweeted that “Those who obstruct the burials or cremations of corona virus casualties would be booked under the Goondas Act.”