Gujarat University has come up with a coloured mark-sheet that will also have a student's photograph and a unique ID number, as part of its efforts to prevent forgery of the same.
Post-graduate (PG) and under-graduate (UG) students of the nearly 350 colleges functioning under Gujarat University (GU) will now get the secured coloured photo mark-sheet from the year 2011.
The student ID number displayed on the mark-sheet will be valid till a pupil completes his or her PhD level studies in a college affiliated to the University. GU vice-chancellor, Dr Parimal Trivedi said that the announcement about the secured coloured photo mark-sheet was made last year but the PG batch will be the first to get the same this year.
“UG students will receive the same after completion of their semester,” said Trivedi.
He said that the salient features of the mark-sheet include the visible ink, which ensures that the student ID number, name and marks in the mark-sheet can be seen even in a photocopy.
“More so, it has codes in its linings and a photo of the student at the top right corner. This will help prevent forgery of the mark-sheets,” he said. GU claims to have invested in two printers each worth Rs15 lakh to print this kind of mark-sheets.
The mark-sheet will carry ‘course name’ instead of the earlier used term ‘paper’.
It will have two sections for the marks-external and internal. The overall grade will be based on the total marks achieved in both the sections. Also each course or paper will have four credits (i.e. the number of times a student appears for a paper through out the semester - e.g viva, practical, written etc).
With the introduction of Choice Based Credit System last year, students will now be studying in semester system at colleges. Hence they will receive two mark-sheets per year. The semesters are from June - November and December - May.