The mysterious death of Ram Singh, the main accused in the December 16 gang-rape, will not affect the day-to-day trial in the case, lawyers and legal experts say.“His name will have to be struck down from the trial since he is dead, but even then, the trial would proceed at smooth pace. This incident won't affect the day-to-day trial at all,” senior lawyer Majid Memon told DNA.“There is a lapse, obviously. How could he hang himself in prison when there was a guard outside his cell? Definitely that man would be responsible for dereliction of duty, and there will be an inquiry with regard to this incident, which is definitely shocking,” Memon added.“Law has been defeated in this case. Unfortunately, Ram Singh did what he wanted,” says retired justice RS Sodhi of the Delhi High Court.“The Onus will now be more on the other four accused in the case. Since Ram Singh is no more and his name would now be put in the second column of the chargesheet but the case becomes weak for all other accused in the case,” Sodhi added.According to retired Justice SN Dhingra, the case will go on its own pace. “It will become more easy for the other accused to blame Ram Singh as no one will able to defend him now,” he said.“The others accused will now take the opportunity to say that Ram Singh was the main conspirator and they were forced into it and as a result they can get lighter punishments,” said advocate Neeraj Kumar.Expressing concern over the poor state of prison, Supreme Court lawyer Rekha Agarwal said, “It could not have been done without outside support. There is a deep-rooted conspiracy, people cannot hang themselves like this.”“The fact that the main accused is not there is something which is going to affect the case. It is condemnable, and needs to be inquired into," she said.