Hundreds of actors, directors, producers, choreographers and technicians from the television industry took to the streets on Tuesday evening to show solidarity with Anna Hazare and his ongoing battle against corruption.


The participants walked for nearly two hours Juhu circle to Juhu beach, braving the traffic and curious bystanders.

The celebrity protesters shouted anti-government slogans and sang songs praising the social activist, who many claimed was their new hero. Music composer duo, the Meet Brothers, performed peppy songs as hundreds of curious onlookers gathered at Juhu beach to watch them.

"It is heartening to see the great passion that friends and colleagues have brought to this rally," said Shashi Ranjan, television producer and convenor of the Indian Television Academy, which organised the march.

"Corruption and the battle against it has for long been the drawing room conversation of celebrities who have a false sense of satisfaction after they have indulged in tokenism by participating in a conversation or a protest march," he added.

Ranjan felt that a lot still has to be done. ''This movement has to continue through constant participation of every Indian till the end results are finally seen."

Filmmaker-activist Ashoke Pandit felt that now the ball was in the government's court.

"The public has already shown what it wants by spilling out on the streets and participating wholeheartedly in the campaign against corruption. Now the onus lies on politicians and policy makers to tackle the implementation of the Jan Lokpal Bill," he said.

Pandit lamented that the government does not understand the pulse of the common man. "The sensibilities and needs of the public need to be addressed not emotionally, but with a cool and clear head," he added.