Two naval warships today left Mumbai to bring home Indians from strife-hit Libya."INS Jalashwa and INS Mysore have left Mumbai and will bring back Indians from Libya," a defence spokesperson said.The action follows a request to the defence ministry to help evacuate Indian nationals from that country.


INS Jalashwa, a landing platform dock type of amphibious platform is particularly designed for sea lift missions and is also capable of undertaking humanitarian missions. INS Mysore, is a potent destroyer of the Delhi class.The ships have been specially equipped for the task with full medical facilities such as operation theatre, doctors and paramedics. The ships are also carrying helicopters and a contingent of marine special forces personnel.The ships will evacuate Indian nationals from Libya to either Malta or Egypt, from where they will be transferred by air to India.It may be recalled that in July 2006, the Indian Navy had similarly evacuated over 2,500 Indians, PIOs and some foreign nationals from Lebanon following the war between Israel and the Hezbollah.Induction of INS Jalashwa since then has significantly enhanced the capability of the Indian Navy to undertake such humanitarian missions.