Two police officials have been arrested for negligence on duty after an under-trial from Bhavnagar jail escaped from their custody, police said today.Though the escaped under-trial Valiullah Khan who is accused under Prevention of Anti-Social Activities Act (PASA), surrendered before the police late last night, a case has been lodged against two constables, Praveen Parmar and JeevanParsoda of Bhavnagar district police, they said."We have arrested the two constables from Bhavnagar for negligence on duty. We have sent all the details to Bhavnagar police who will take necessary action as per rules," assistant commissioner of police MB Parmar said.According to police, the two constables had brought Khan here for a court hearing in a case.     After completing hearing, Khan requested the police to allow him to meet his family members there and promised to return within half an hour, to which the cops agreed and went to a guest house to rest, they said.     However, Khan did not return and the city police arrested Praveen and Jeevan for negligence on duty and filed a complaint against them at Mahidarpura police station here, they added.