Uttar Pradesh Lok Ayukta Justice NK Mehrotra today recommended a CBI probe against former state Family Welfare and Mining Minister and expelled BSP leader Babu Sigh Kushwaha."There were three complaints against Kushwaha after inquiry into which a probe by either CBI or Director Vigilance after registering an FIR under Prevention of Corruption and Money Laundering Acts has been recommended," Lok Ayukya Justice Mehrotra told PTI.He said that the report has been send to Chief Minister Mayawati for action.Justice Mehrotra said that there were three complaints against Kushwaha, including allotting mining lease to his own men, inviting dummy applications through advertisements in unknown newspapers like Agnipath, Karmyug, Radical Times confined to Banda and Mahoba.He said that the minister was also accused of issuing mining lease without taking permission of the Union Environment Ministry and allowing use of machines, which was prohibited.The second complaint pertained to parking money in five societies and partnership firms registered in Lucknow, Kanpur and Jhansi with jurisdiction in these three districts, besides Banda.One of the partnership firms named Darpan Mercantile was based in Mumbai, Justice Mehrotra said.He said that Kushwaha and his wife were also accused of acquiring wealth in two different names."The former minister did not file any reply in two matters and in the third matter it was unsigned, he however did not deny any of the charges," he said.The Lok Ayukta report may cause further embarrassment for the BJP, in whose support Kushwaha, also facing an inquiry into NRHM scam in the state, is campaigning in Uttar Pradesh assembly elections.In fact the party is banking of Kushwaha to muster support of his community during elections.Kushwaha's induction in BJP had already created a flutter within the party with senior leaders like Yogi Adityanath opposing it openly.In a damage control exercise, Kushwaha later sent a letter to national president Nitin Gadkari to keep his membership suspended till proved innocent.    Meanwhile, the Lok Ayukta has also registered a case against Energy Minister Ramveer Upadhyaya and issued a notice asking him to reply within 10 days, besides informing the CM. Justice Mehrotra said that there was a complaint against Upadhyaya of benami assets, receiving property as charity and managing PWD contracts in favour of his sister-in -law Kalpana Upadhyaya and PRO Ashish Sharma.