An uncensored video clip of the infamous verbal brawl in the Jammu and Kashmir Assembly between Speaker Mohammad Akbar Lone and an Opposition PDP MLA has gone viral in the Valley, inspiring a satirical drama by a famous Kashmiri blogger.


Click here to watch the video where the MLA attacks the LoneThe 141-second video clip of the ruckus in the Lower House of the legislature on October 3 was uploaded on a social networking site the next day after the Speaker hurled abuses at Opposition leader Maulvi Iftikhar Hussain Ansari.Within two days, the clip has been shared by hundreds of Kashmiri web users and dedicated Facebook pages administered by Kashmiri activists.The exchange of abuses in the Assembly between Lone and Ansari was the climax of a high drama in the House which saw four adjournments in less than four hours on October 3 over the issue of the alleged custodial death of a ruling National Conference worker, with Opposition calling for the Chief Minister to resign.