Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin on Tuesday announced financial assistance to the Kerala government for Rs 5 crore, following massive landslides that devastated Wayanad. In addition, two senior Indian Air Force (IAS) officers from the Tamil Nadu cadre have been assigned to support rescue and relief efforts. On Tuesday, Chief Minister Stalin promised Pinarayi Vijayan of Kerala that he would help with rescue and relief efforts over the phone.


Two IAS officers, KK Sameeran and district collector Johny Tom Varghese of Ramanathapuram, have been assigned to support the Kerala government's relief efforts because it is still believed that hundreds of people are trapped in the landslip deluge. A 20-member State Disaster Response Force (SDRF) team, a 10-member medical team, and 20 firefighters led by a deputy director formed the rescue squad. The rescue units are on their way to Wayanad. The chief minister of Tamil Nadu expressed sorrow over the occurrence. Stalin addressed the matter on X, he wrote, "Deeply pained to learn about the massive landslides in Wayanad and the consequent loss of priceless lives. I am given to understand that many people are still trapped in the area. I am sure the rescue operations that are in full swing will save them all. The government of Tamil Nadu is willing to extend any logistical or manpower support that may be needed in this hour of crisis to our brother state, Kerala."