With Madhya Pradesh police set to question BJP MP Tarun Vijay in connection with RTI activist Shehla Masood's killing in Bhopal, Congress today questioned why most RTI activists are being murdered in states ruled by the opposition party."Why most of the murders of RTI activists are taking place in BJP-ruled states?...In Shehla Masood case, the names which are floating are of those who are close to the state government," AICC general secretary in-charge for Madhya Pradesh BK  Hariprasad told reporters here.He said a CBI inquiry into the death has become necessary as only this will "reveal the truth"".Another party general secretary Digivijay Singh, a former chief minister of Madhya Pradesh, demanded that the Masood case be handed over to CBI."The way Masood has been killed is painful....Now that Tarun Vijay's name has cropped up, I believe the chief minister should hand over the case to CBI," he said.A communication from Madhya Pradesh government seeking a CBI probe into the killing has already reached the Centre.Masood was shot at outside her residence in Bhopal on August 16 when she was about to head to a rally that was part of Anna Hazare's campaign against corruption.