Team Anna today demanded that the government mandate somebody officially for opening a political dialogue on the Lokpal issue and suggested that it either withdraw the official bill or amend it by including provisions of the Jan Lokpal Bill."Let the government mandate somebody officially. We are waiting for a political dialogue. Today there is need for a political dialogue. It is not a technical issue. It is not a bureaucratic issue. It is a political problem."There has to be a political solution rather than saying go and make your case to the Standing Committee. That is not the way," activist Arvind Kejriwal told reporters as Hazare's fast entered the eighth day today.He said officially they have not got any proposal from the government.Asked about various proposals being talked about, Kejriwal said, "There are two options. The government can withdraw its bill and introduce the Jan Lokpal Bill or the government can bring amendments to the existing bill. The government should make a list on the points it agrees or disagrees on".However, Kejriwal said Hazare has not insisted that he will talk only with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh or Congress general secretary Rahul Gandhi.Team Anna is maintaining that no formal talks have begun even as close aides of spiritual leader Bhayyuji Maharaj handed over a fresh 11-point proposal to Hazare late in the night. However, they could not meet the Gandhian as he was sleeping.Kejriwal said government should look into the 22 points on which there are disagreements and say which ones are acceptable and ask bureaucrats the way to implement them.The Hazare team also appealed to MPs to reflect the views and concerns of the common man on the Jan Lokpal Bill when Parliament reconvenes after a break today.Indications that Hazare and the government may engage in a dialogue emerged yesterday with the Gandhian asking a representative to be named for the purpose by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who has expressed a willingness to have a "reasoned debate" on the issue.