Even as major changes upset betting rates in the last three weeks, India still remains hot favourite among the satodias.


Rates of teams like South Africa and Pakistan have also plummeted but bookies still believe that South Africa and India will battle it out in the World Cup final match.

The highest change was observed in the rate of England, which shot up to Rs9.25 from its previous Rs4 - a rate very close to India - a favourite team of the bookies.

"After the team lost to Ireland, the rate of the English team has shot up and many bookies have profited heavily," a bookie told DNA.

Three teams, whose rates have decreased and eventually the winning possibility has increased are India, South Africa and Pakistan.

The rate of India has reduced from Rs3.50 to Rs3.10, while that of Pakistan has reduced from Rs9 to Rs7.30. "The rates of all other teams had increased since last month," the bookie said. "The rate of South Africa had decreased from Rs5 to Rs4.50," he said. 

Unexpected results of three major cricket matches - India-England, Ireland-England and Sri-Lanka Pakistan - have shaken the bookies arena.

"The results of all these three matches were unexpected and the bookies have made weighty profits in these matches," a bookie said.

The rate of Australia, the world champion has increased from Rs5 to Rs5.20, which means reduction in their chances to win further matches. So is the case with the ongoing rate for Sri-Lanka which has jumped from Rs4 to Rs5.40.

"Sri-Lanka was considered favourite, after India, before the inauguration of the World Cup.