I have an aquarium and sometimes I see my fish nearing the surface, opening and shutting its mouth. Is that a problem?A fish that is gasping at the surface of the water is suffering from lack of oxygen. This could be due to a lack of oxygen in the water or the fish’s inability to absorb the oxygen from the water. Check the filter to make sure that it’s working properly. Check the temperature of the water on the thermometer. If the temperature is out of the correct range, then adjust the aquarium heater. Check the water surface, and if ther’s oil or scum carefully scoop the water off the surface until you’ve removed two inches of water. Replace the water with fresh, safe water. Add aquarium salt until the water has a total of 1 tablespoon of aquarium salt for each five gallons of water.My golden retriever just injured his front dewclaw and it is bent back and bleeding. Should he see a vet or should we just clip it?See a vet. There is also a chance of infection, so your dog will need medicine for that too. Do not do it on your own. They will cut the claw up past the wick so it can grow back properly. Doing so causes pain, the vet can give proper pain killers to curb the pain.Why won’t my pregnant dog eat?A dog’s nutritional needs change throughout pregnancy and some fluctuations in appetite are normal. So long as the dog continues to nibble and her appetite picks back up, there is no cause for alarm.


Pregnant dogs lose their appetite for three to 10 days during their third week of pregnancy. It is normal for pregnant dogs to stop eating or eat significantly less, in the 24 to 48 hours before their puppies are born. If your dog refuses to eat anything for 24 hours or more — especially during the later stages of pregnancy — or the loss of appetite is accompanied by listlessness, take her to a vet for X-ray or an ultrasound. Loss of appetite could be a sign of other health issues, such as cancer, heart disease, bowel obstructions, hormonal disorders or stress. If a dog stops eating entirely, visit a vet.