
Fried Tarantula Spider, Nested soup: These are the world's most weird dishes

Let us know today about some such strange and gross dishes, which are eaten by many people all over the world with great pleasure.

  • DNA Web Team
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  • Nov 12, 2022, 05:55 PM IST

Today there are many people in the world who are very fond of food. They are very fond of food from different places and different flavours. Maybe you are also one of those people who are always trying different things for their love of food.

But do you know, that today in the world, along with tasty, delicious and heart-pleasing food, many such strange things are also served to eat, which you might not believe after hearing about them?

So, let us know today about some such strange and gross dishes, which are eaten by many people all over the world with great pleasure.

1. Fried Tarantula Spider

Fried Tarantula Spider

Like many people, you may be afraid of spiders, but this is a very popular snack in the Southeast Asian nation of Cambodia. Although the tarantula spider is quite scary to look at, but those who eat it say that it tastes very tasty and is just like a crab.

The practice of eating it started in the 1970s after the famine caused by the "Khmer Rouge" regime. Due to a lack of food, people started eating whatever insects they could find at that time, including silkworms, tarantula spiders and locusts.

But after some time the people there came to know that the taste of tarantula spiders is actually very good, and that's why people continued to eat it.

Today the Cambodian city "Skuon" is very popular among tourists for the fried tarantulas found there. Fried tarantula spiders are sold for a dollar per spider, which is very expensive by the standards there.

2. Poisonous fish

Poisonous fish

A type of fish is eaten in Japan, which is easily capable of transporting anyone to the dead house. This fish is called "Puffer fish" or "Fugu". Its skin and internal parts of the body contain the poisonous toxin "tetrodotoxin", which is 1,250 times more toxic than "cyanide" poison.

Despite this it was eaten by many people. Due to being so dangerous, only a few selected chefs in the whole country got the license to prepare it for consumption.

These chefs used to prepare this fish to eat with utmost care, and used to make sure that its poison is completely removed. People were advised to go to these licensed restaurants only to eat it, otherwise the result could be very bad.

Once in Thailand, fifteen people died after eating this fish, after which this fish was banned, so that more people would not die in the thrill.

3. Alive octopus

Alive octopus

A kind of raw dish that is very much liked in Korea, which is made from live octopus. This dish is called "Sannakji". To make this, the octopus is first cut into pieces, then lightly cooked with sesame oil, and then served immediately for eating. For this reason, the body of the octopus and its feet are moving in the plate even at the time of eating.

The more difficult it is mentally to eat it, the more dangerous it is. Because while eating it, there is a lot of possibility of sticky feet of octopus getting stuck in someone's throat. Due to which someone can also die due to suffocation. Some locals refer to it as a "party in your mouth", as its legs wrestle with your mouth when you chew it.

4. Old egg food

Old egg food

A kind of dish is made in China, for which very old eggs are used. This dish is called a century egg. The eggs used in this can be several weeks to several months old.

This practice dates back to the "ming dynasty", in which the eggs of duck, chicken and quail are preserved for a long time in a mixture of soil, ash, salt, chives, and rice, so that later those eggs From this food item can be made.

This dish is also known as "preserved eggs", "hundred-year eggs", "thousand year eggs", "thousand year old eggs", "millennium eggs", "skin eggs", and "black eggs". . After preserving for a long time, the egg yolk turns into a creamy dark colored jelly, which the people there eat with great fervor.

A cedar tree branch-like design or pattern is formed near the surface of some egg whites. These eggs are considered better than the rest of the century eggs, and are also called "pine flower eggs" or "pine patterned eggs".

5. Fertilized egg

Fertilized egg

A very unique type of dish is very much liked by the people in the Philippines present in South East Asia. This dish is known as "Balut". It is commonly eaten there as a street food. A balut is a fertilized bird egg.

This is usually a duck egg, which is incubated for 14 to 21 days so that the embryo inside can develop. Then these eggs are boiled at the time of eating, due to which the developed embryo present in it dies.

The contents of the egg are eaten directly by breaking the shell of the egg. The bones of the partially developed fetus are soft enough to be chewed and swallowed whole, and people eat it with great relish. The "Mallard" duck, also known as the "Pateros duck", is considered the best and most important breed for making balut.

6. Cheese made from insect larvae

Cheese made from insect larvae

A type of cheese is made in Italy, which at the time of eating has larvae of flies in it. It is a traditional Sardinian dish called "casgiu merzu" or "maggots cheese".

After preparing the cheese, it is left in the open so that flies can lay their eggs in it. After this, this cheese is kept in a dark place, so that the larvae can come out of those eggs and spread throughout the cheese.

Later the larvae start eating that cheese, and excrete their faeces in it, due to which the cheese gets a different taste and texture. When a person used to eat this cheese, then these larvae used to come on their plates as well. But the dish was soon banned due to health concerns.

7. Poop coffee

Poop coffee

A type of coffee is prepared in Indonesia, which is made from the feces of an animal. It is a cat-like creature, which is called "luwak". The Luwak only eats ripe coffee cherries. But their stomach does not digest it inside itself, due to which these beans come out completely with their feces.

But during this process, the acid and enzymes present in the stomach of luwak give coffee a special aroma, and due to this different taste, this coffee is sold very expensive.

This process takes place on the islands of "Sumatra", "Java", and "Sulawesi" in the Indonesian archipelago. When fully brewed, this coffee sells for US$120 to US$300 per pound. If you are also fond of drinking this coffee, then you can start saving for it from now.

8. Sari Gully Shark

Sari Gully Shark

In the European country of Iceland, a very strange thing is eaten by the people there with great pleasure. It is nothing but a sari street shark, also known as "Hákarl". To prepare it, the dead Greenland shark is placed in a pit, and the top is covered with stones. Due to this method, a lot of pressure is created on the dead body of the shark, due to which all the toxic elements are removed from its body.

This process continues for six to twelve weeks. After the completion of this process, the shark is cut into long pieces. After cutting, these pieces are hung at one place for four to six months, so that it becomes completely dry and hard. After hardening, it is cut into small pieces and sold in the markets.

This food item is being eaten in Iceland since the time of the vikings. And it is said that its taste is so bad, that outsiders are allowed not to breathe while eating it. But the people there like its taste very much, and that is why it is eaten a lot there.

9. Nested soup

Nested soup

A type of soup very popular in China, which is made from bird's nest. You must be thinking that how can anyone eat the nest made of leaves and twigs. But this was no ordinary nest. This soup is made from the nest of swiftlet birds, and the dish is called "Caviar of the East". Swiftlet birds build their nests mainly with saliva.

This bird's saliva contains some unique ingredients that give the nest a rubbery texture, making it one of the most expensive animal products consumed by humans. Swiftlet birds build nests over a period of 35 days during the breeding season. And these nests can be cut only about three times a year. For this reason their nests are very expensive.

These nests are usually built in coastal caves. There is also a grueling process to collect them, which also involves nimble climbing skills. To collect them, one has to climb very high caves, which is a very difficult process. Today Hong Kong and the US are the largest importers of Swiftlet bird nests.

This centuries-old soup is believed to contain aphrodisiac properties, apart from its nutritious protein content. A bowl of soup can cost anywhere from about $30 to $100, while a pound nest can cost anywhere from $2,000 to around $10,000.

10. Wine made from snakes

Wine made from snakes

Vietnam, a Southeast Asian country known for its beaches, rivers, and bustling cities, is also popular for a variety of wines. This wine is prepared from snakes, and is called "snake wine".

It is a type of rice wine, bottled with venomous snakes. The blood of the snake gives this wine a nice pinkish color, and it is believed that drinking it provides many medicinal benefits.

To prepare it, snakes are kept in rice wine for months, so that their venom is completely dissolved in this wine. The ethanol present in alcohol neutralizes the toxin and that is why it is not dangerous to drink it.

This wine originated in Vietnam, where snakes have been considered for medicinal properties since ancient times. But gradually its practice spread to other parts of Southeast Asia and southern China as well.

