
Holi 2022: 5 food items to relieve you of bad digestion after all the extra eating

Facing issues like gas, indigestion, loose motion after eating all those food in Holi, here are 5 easily available kitchen items to give quick relief.

  • DNA Web Team
  • |
  • Mar 14, 2022, 05:19 PM IST

The very popular Hindu festival Holi is round the corner. Holi is not just a festival of colour but it brings together family, friends, neighbours and people usually celebrate it as community festival. Festivals also give us the opportunity to indulge in various tasty foods special to the occasion.

While you may end up eating all these varieties of dishes in large quantities, this can also later result in problems of the digestive system. You can face problems like gas, indigestion and loose motion. We wish you do not have to face so, but if at all you face any such issues then we suggest 5 easily available kitchen items to give you quick relief. 

1. Ginger has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties

Ginger has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties

Drinking one spoonful of ginger powder mixed with milk provides great relief in stomach problems. Because ginger has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties, it provides a lot of relief in stomach pain. That's why ginger is often intaken during stomach ache.

(Image Source: Pixabay)

2. Apple Cider Vinegar effective in stomach cramps and gas

Apple Cider Vinegar effective in stomach cramps and gas

An element called pectin is found in apple vinegar, which is very effective in problems like stomach cramps and gas. It is also very beneficial in the problem of motion. Apart from this, the acidic effect of apple vinegar removes stomach infection.

(Image Source: Pixabay)

3. Banana contains a good amount of pectin

Banana contains a good amount of pectin

Banana also contains a good amount of pectin which works to bind the stomach. Therefore, it is very effective in problems like loose-motion. Along with this, bananas are very rich in potassium which is very beneficial for our health.

(Image Source: Pixabay)

4. Mint improves digestive system

Mint improves digestive system

Mint has been used for centuries to improve our digestive system and keep the stomach cool. Its anti-bacterial properties and the anti-oxidants found in it can remove problems like stomach, indigestion and indigestion by removing the infection.

(Image Source: Pixabay)

5. Curd keeps stomach cool and improves digestive system

Curd keeps stomach cool and improves digestive system

Curd also keeps our stomach cool and improves the digestive system. The main benefit of consuming curd is that it increases the number of beneficial bacteria in the stomach. Due to which the digestive system gets a lot of strength.

(Image Source: Pixabay)

