If you experience morning anxiety regularly, your brain begins to anticipate it, even on days when you have no real concerns. You must break the cycle by retraining yourself not to be afraid of the mornings. Then, develop morning routines that promote calmness and living in the present moment. This is how. 


1. Get more sleep. 

Refresh your sleeping habits. Follow a bedtime routine, and stop looking at screens at least a half hour before bed. Maybe, do a quick meditation or yoga before bed. Good sleep is essential for biological functioning and to keep you active throughout the day. 

2. Practice meditation. 

The 4-7-8 Breath, developed by Andrew Weil, M.D., or any simple breathing exercise in the morning will help focus and relax your mind and body, as well as train you to focus on the present rather than the past or future. Meditation will clear your headspace and will set you free from all the tension. 

3. Write down whatever comes to mind. 

Write two or three pages in the morning, whatever comes to mind; it doesn't have to be full sentences or make any sense; just get whatever is in your head out. just like how it is important to complete a fight before bed, it's as important to write or take things out of your headspace in the morning to avoid negative thinking or thoughts. It calms you down and gives you a healthy and productive day ahead. 

4. Do some stretching or yoga. 

This is a more physical type of meditation. Taking time to meditate and relax will help you stay present and face the day with a more positive attitude. 

5. Get up and get moving. 

Go for a walk, go for a run, or go to the gym. If you feel better after getting up and moving (it does help), incorporate it into your new morning routine. Exercise relieves stress and does numerous other beneficial things for our brains and bodies.