A Graphic novel in godly light

Written By Ankit Ajmera | Updated:

Artist Amit Tayal portrays the Indian mythological lords Indra, Varuna, Agni, Vayu and Bhoomi in a different form in a graphic novel.

They say, when justice is denied, prayers go unanswered, the weak are oppressed and all hope is lost, then comes a time when Lord Vishnu takes an avatar to vanquish all evil.

In the first series of a graphic novel titled I am Kalki — The Golden Book, depicts a teenage boy called Kalki as the tenth avatar of Vishnu, who has taken birth on Earth in the deep jungles of India to put all demons to rest.
Artist Amit Tayal was involved in the creation of the imagery of the mythological Gods who also play an important role in the graphic novel other than Kalki.

They include: Indra (Lord of Akash —Space), Varuna (Lord of the Waters), Agni (Lord of the Fires), Vayu (Lord of the Winds) and Bhoomi (the Earth Goddess).

The visual description of the Gods is a mixture of Amit’s imagination and their stated
description in the Indian Vedas. Amit says, “I have tried to keep their description authentic.

Before creating them I did research on the Vedas and have tried to show them not as human but something more than human.”

Amit informs that in most of the Indian mythological serials such as the Ramayana or the Mahabharata, have not portrayed Lord Indra correctly in physical form. He has always been shown with black hair.

“On the contrary, Indra is golden bodied and has golden hair,” he says. Indra fights a battle against evil and is a symbol of strength. His weapon is the vajra (thunderbolt). He rides a four tusked white elephant.

Amit had to make use of imagination, especially in the case of Lord Varuna
(water), Agni (fire) and Vayu (wind). “Because as per the Vedas, these lords exist only in their element form,” he adds.

Varuna has been depicted in blue colour with black hair and water like white colour ensemble. He is the God of the oceans and keeper of the souls of the drowned. He also rules the dark half of the sky. Agni is the God of fire and has three forms: fire, lightning and the Sun. He is Indra’s twin.

Vayu is known to be extremely handsome in appearance and is shown with white flowing hair and beard with a wings shaped armour.

Lastly Amit has shown Bhoomi, the Earth Goddess, who is said to be the symbol of patience and fertility. She looks very feminine and has all the woman-like qualities.