Loaded with a rich heritage and a legacy that dates back over a century, the cigar brand Gurkha is now available in India. The brand has catered to celebrities, Fortune 500 CEOs, sheikhs, cigar enthusiasts and connoisseurs and claims to have cigar variants for every occasion.
Known for its unique aroma and distinctive flavour, the brand claims to have changed the cigar industry by pioneering the way the cigars are packaged. With time, Gurkha has extended its product offering to over 40 different lines of cigars, including its flagship cigar Gurkha Grand Reserve, believed to be the best-selling cognac-infused cigar in the industry; the vintage Cellar Reserve, which uses the finest 15-year-old tobacco; Gurkha Royal Challenge, a smooth and complex mild-to-medium-bodied cigar; and His Majesty’s Reserve, a rare cigar, famous for its taste, and believed to be the world’s most expensive cigar.
To place an order of Gurkha cigars, email India@gurkhacigars.com. Depending on availability, delivery could take between one and three weeks.