The strong fragrance of incense sticks and the general feeling of positive energy beckon you in. “Namaste,” she says, with a genuinely welcoming smile. The hour-long de-stressing session began from that moment on.

It was the first time I was undergoing Pranic healing, and with no prior knowledge of what this healing method is, the obvious initial reactions were that of apprehension, with the mind full of doubts. Seated at the city’s Holistic Healing Centre, the founder Surekha Almelkar explained that Pranic healing focuses on cleansing the negative aura and replacing it with positive energies.

So how does the aura cleaning work sans any human touch? “The client sits in front of me. I keep a bowlful of salt water. I scan his or her aura or chakra. If I find any negativity in the aura, I cleanse it and replace it with positive energy. The negative energy goes into the salt water and the aura is filled with positivity,” says Almekar.

Her hand movements, while scanning and cleansing a person’s aura, are similar to that of a magician at work with his ‘abracadabra’. This felt like magic, no less. The initial apprehension and fear had given way to surprise, delight and slowly, complete relaxation.

Originally from Mumbai, marriage brought Almekar here. Initially reluctant to move beyond the confines of the home, her window to the outside world came in the form of Pranic healing. She not only learnt the process, but also realised she had an innate talent for it. “I learnt it under the guidance of Dr Vrinda, who is the research director of the All India Pranic Healing Foundation here,” she says.

“People with physical problems like diabetes, high blood pressure, chest pain, body pain, etc, have a negative aura. They are unable to relax. Pranic healing aims to get rid of this negativity,” says Almelkar. She adds that Pranic healing is easy to learn and is your best support system where you don’t have to depend on anybody to instantly feel relaxed.
She clarifies that Pranic healing does not cure terminal illnesses but helps one live with them.

Also, since Pranic healing is a supportive therapy and “not an alternative therapy”, it can be practised even as the patient continues with other treatment. “With no intake of drugs required, there is also no question of side-effects whatsoever,” says Almekar.
“I also conduct crystal therapy, in which we put crystals on the client’s body and cleanse his or her chakras through the crystals,” says Almekar.

Reach Almekar on 9845149203 or  9448145995.