Singer Adnan Sami's weight loss transformation surprised everyone. Because, if a person weighing 230 kg loses 150 kgs in a few months it will be called a miracle. While everyone has been in awe of his new physique, dropping from 230 kg to 80 kg must have required a massive effort. Recently, he gave some brief insight into his journey.


“In 2006, doctors had given me an ultimatum of six months to live because I was grossly overweight. I was 230 kilos. They said ‘if you are not going to do anything, you are gonna go’. It was a do-or-die situation. A lot of people started wondering why I suddenly had this drastic weight loss,” he shared with Humans of Bombay.

Speaking to a leading website, Adnan Sami shared that he once weighed more than 230 kg, he was given an ultimatum by doctors in 2006 that he had just six months to live since he was "grossly overweight." He said that losing weight was a matter of life or death for him.

“A lot of people I know had given up on me, thinking I couldn’t do it. I don’t blame them. It is a herculean task; a huge mountain to climb. Even I didn't know whether I would be able to do it because it seemed impossible at that particular moment in time,” he added

He added that his nutritionist is to thank for his successful weight loss journey, he said, “I was fortunate to come across a wonderful nutritionist who walked me through it and explained to me ‘listen, if you look at like a bulk, it is going to look like a mountain. But if you take baby steps, you will be able to do it’. And that’s what I focused on rather than looking at the larger picture. I took it one step at a time. I did not think I would end up losing so much weight.”

According to an exclusive interview in 2022 with Times of India, Adnan Sami said, "I followed a routine whereby I followed a high-protein diet whereby it had no bread, no rice, no sugar, no oil. I was hoping to lose a little bit of weight but I ended up losing 130 kilos. It was something that I didn't plan but it happened that way. Today, I am very careful about what I eat. I don't try to overdo my consumption. I am happy with having small meals as opposed to large quantities," he had told the media on his weight loss journey."

He also added, “There are stories about me getting liposuction done. But liposuction is for people who are slightly chubby, not for somebody who weighs 230 kg. To actually squeeze out that fat, I’d need a vacuum cleaner,” he shared, clarifying, “I did not undergo any weight-loss surgery."

Sami also stopped eating carbohydrates like bread and rice. He started out slowly with the intention of shedding some weight, but he suddenly lost 130 kg. Even after losing weight, he makes sure to continue eating well. He now eats smaller meals more frequently and never overeats. He used to eat enormous meals.