Having a "merry" time with your family is what Christmas is all about, whether it be with cake, presents, carols, or delectable food. However, there is still one more thing that makes Christmas merrier. You guessed correctly, yes! Santa Claus.


Santa Claus, also known as Father Christmas, Saint Nicholas, Saint Nick, Kris Kringle, is a legendary character who traditionally serves as Christmas's patron saint in the United States and other nations, and brings presents to kids.

Is Santa Claus real?

The most exciting part of Christmas for kids is finding wrapped presents tucked under the tree and treats concealed in stockings hung by the fireplace. Santa is real. The origins of Santa Claus also referred to as Saint Nicholas, date all the way back to the third century. He was a monk born in modern-day Turkey in the year 280 AD. Being the only child, his parents showed him a lot of love.

Young Nicholas grew to care deeply about other people's suffering as a result of the plague that claimed both of his parents. Saint Nicholas' generosity and kindness helped him become a legend. He is regarded as the patron saint of children because it is said that he gave the majority of his wealth to aid the sick and the poor. 

The death anniversary on December 6 is marked as Saint Nicholas' feast day. This day has traditionally been connected to giving gifts.

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When the Dutch came together to celebrate Saint Nicholas, he made his way into American culture back in 1773. Sinter Klaas, the Dutch name for Saint Nicholas at the time, is where the English name Santa Claus originated.

Santa Claus and Christmas

The celebration was moved to Christmas Day because December 6, or his feast day, was a celebration that included the giving of gifts. At the time, it seemed appropriate to combine the two because the real Saint Nicholas devoted his life to helping others.